Ms Grossini's Blog Classroom


Principle of Art learned: Line Quality (curved contour) and Form  

VAPA Content Standard
7.VA:Cr2.3 Apply visual organizational strategies to design and produce a work of art, design, or
media that clearly communicates information or ideas.

cross contour peace sign
in oval crop/border

 Materials Needed:   Paper    Pen  Pencil
Optional/Final Artwork: *Colored pencils  *Ruler  

  Art Vocabulary  
       clickable links
 Line Quality   Form

Objectives: The student will explore the concept of cross contour lines. The student will learn line quality and its effects on form.  The student will practice cross contour lines to give the illusion of form to an object/hand. 

Students:  You will be using your own hand for this project. Shape your hand into something that means something to you. Do you have a favorite number? The peace sign, hang-ten, thumbs up, etc. 

Guided Practice: Students will use their own hand for this exercise.  

1. Students will trace a contour line of their hand. Take your time, and keep your pen/pencil straight up and down while you are tracing. 

2. Students will then enhance the drawing further by adding cross contour lines to indicate form.

3. Let's watch this quick video of how I exaggerated the lines to create the side (plane) of my hand. 

4. There are resources below that will further your understanding of this method. 

5. Let's practice together.

Getting Started:  Slowly trace your hand, don't forget to make it personal. Tell me a story about yourself by how you model your hand.

Example, I went with a peace sign. What do you think that says about my personality or my mood?

         Drawing Tip: 💍
     When drawing your lines over the fingers,
                               draw like you are putting a ring around your finger.

           Drawing Tip:  👈
When you get to your wrist, imagine you are 
putting a bracelet around your arm. 

Here is an example of the illusion of depth when
lines are curved. 
Why did I leave a white area for?   This is for the highlights. 
Resource Links:                                                            
Drawing Form: Create design using same technique

Advanced Students   (*Portfolio possibility)                                                                                                                                                 
        Incorporate a COLOR SCHEME  (click link)  

Rubric and Grading:                                                                                                 

Class Critique/Presentation:
  We will be displaying our work and having an in class critique.

Self reflection:
1. Why did you model your hand the way you did?
2. Does it tell a story? Express a feeling? Emotion? Memory?

Art Review (use vocabulary) :  What is line quality? What are cross contour lines used for?                                  

Estimated Duration: 6 Days                                                                                                          


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